Defining a clear model of success for GP Practice Patient Participation Groups (PPGs)

Bringing GP Practice staff and patients closer together through organised and ongoing listening and engagement - emphasising diversity and shared responsibility.

Listen to Act has been commissioned by the Central London Borough team and the North West London Integrated Care System Comms and Engagement team to run a 12-month pilot to restructure Regents Health Primary Care Network (PCN) Patient Participation Groups.

Our joint goal is to develop a valuable 2-way patient and practice communication channel that supports improvement to service delivery.

Location: Westminster, Regent Health Primary Care Network

Project status: Ongoing until April 2023

This project is supported by:


The challenge

Many GP practices are struggling to deliver the patient participation required by GP contracts. Typically, GP staff are doing long hours and are understaffed. With barely enough time to take lunch, organising patient groups is currently low down on the agenda. It ́s our job at Listen to Act to understand their needs better so that we can identify the barriers and drivers for success.

What are we doing

Following an extensive survey with GP practice staff to determine their needs, we are now working with individual GP practices to create tailor-made support packages. We will be supporting, advising, and working alongside each practice to ensure that set goals are achieved.


Once our model has been piloted in Westminster, we will aim to roll this strategic approach to engagement out across other London boroughs.



Patient groups have a multitude of benefits for staff and patients. This 12-month pilot enables us to plan, explore and define a clear model of success for GPs so that they can easily set up, run, and sustain a patient group.

Defining a clear model means that GP surgeries will be able to build relationships with patients and consistently embed feedback in their daily practice for better outcomes.

We are developing a PPG Toolkit that other GP practices and PCNs can use to replicate the defined model of success in their own practices.

We believe that developing the Patient Group is worth the effort. It provides a safe space to share experiences and views on a regular basis and assists in planning wider community engagement. Without these diverse insights, representative of all patients, GP surgeries can’t genuinely improve their services.


Online surveys went to GP Practice Managers or dedicated PPG leads across Regent Health Primary Care Network (PCN). Conversations are scheduled with a range of patients to shape an effective model of success that can be shared and rolled out across London.


We collated Regent Health PCN wide demographic data and used comprehensive online surveys as well as interviews to understand where GP practices are at and what support they may need from the project.

Now we´re working with individual GP practices to create tailor-made support packages. We will be supporting, advising, and working alongside the practice to ensure that set goals are achieved.

Further down the line, we will collaborate with patients and practice staff to create a programme that provides strategic support and community engagement. This is so we can co-design a process and system that can build lasting relationships and sustain patient groups.

If you are a GP in London and want to set up an effective Patient Group, please email

I am always touched by how much love, respect and support there is for doctors and other practice staff amongst patients. In my approach am I trying to harvest that positive energy and show the value of working in partnership toward one goal: to make GP practice as best it can be for both: patients and staff alike. I believe we can only achieve it by working together, not against each other.
— Odeta Pakalnyte, Listen to Act, Community Engagement Manager and PPG Network Coordinator

We're always keen to collaborate. If you would like us to plan and deliver a similar engagement programme, we'll be happy to talk it through

Get in touch