Our Youth Engagement work: young people lead the way

20th December 2023

Our work in Youth Engagement is more than gathering answers and pulling together reports with recommendations for decision makers. We take a more collaborative approach, working closely with professionals in research and healthcare settings to scope and build long-term sustainable solutions, with youth voice at the centre.

Listen to Act has built a close-knit team of engagement professionals dedicated to prioritising the active involvement of young people in shaping their communities and services.

For the past two years, our strong links with research partners such as NIHR Clinical Research Network Northwest London, NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Northwest London and Imperial College London have resulted in multiple projects and collaborations. Together, we have been able to put youth voice at the centre of every project to create a high level of influence within healthcare and education settings, and the work is set to continue into 2024.

We are currently leading and co-leading on three youth-focused engagement projects that focus on the physical and mental health needs of young people.

How we are facilitating cutting edge research in schools with young people and staff

In partnership with the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network Northwest London, NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) North West London, and Imperial College London, we are proud to be part of a Collaborative initiative between schools across North West London.

The network aims to improve the health of school children by building new knowledge, bridging gaps in research, applying knowledge to practice, and sharing learning across the network.

Alex Weston, Listen to Act's Youth Engagement Manager and Civan, a Young Listen to Act Volunteer and Trustee, took part in a film we helped NIHR to create.

Visit The North West London Schools Research Network website here.

Learn about the network
Watch this short film

Project page: What the network has achieved so far

Young people lead the discussions on mental health research priorities

In partnership with the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Applied Research Collaboration North West London, NIHR Clinical Research Network North West Londonand Imperial College London, Listen to Act is putting young people at the centre of conversations about mental health in North West London.

We were asked to build an advisory group of young people representing eight boroughs across the region to provide opportunities for young people to feedback on the research being carried out within the programme and to capture young people’s priorities. We recruited members to the group from young carer groups, youth councils, schools, and local authority programmes between 14 and 25 years old.

Project page: What the advisory group has achieved so far

How young people with Type 1 Diabetes are helping to shape
St Mary's Hospital’s Children and Young People’s Diabetes Care Service

Listen to Act was commissioned to support the Children and Young People’s Diabetes Care Team at St Mary’s Hospital to establish and maintain contact with up to 15 of 18 young people who are part of 150 young people who are within the hospital’s care, but are proving to be hard to reach.

Our proposal involved creating a peer support group that would offer a safe space for the young peopleto share and learn from each other and to create a set of recommendations for the service’s staff to adapt the service in line with the young people’s interests and needs.

The peer support group will also serve as a vehicle to provide support and guidance to the young people who are not part of the group.

Throughout the process we have been seeking expert counsel from Diabetes UK and working closely with a volunteer with lived experience.

Project page: What we have achieved so far

Get in touch

Early next year, we will be publishing a dedicated Youth Engagement section of our website. It aims to bring more clinicians, teaching staff, parents, health professionals and young people together to discuss and shape the future of health system and experiences of school and education.

If you think that young voices need to be front and central to a discussion you’re having, sign up to our mailing list here or call Alex or Moussa to discuss your next project on T: 07563 248 677.

Nina Flowers